Independent Trainers

Being a Member of is a smart move. When you partner with LnD Pool your knowledge and expertise would be optimized for your professional growth enhancing your personal brand. It would definitely enhance your opportunities for online and offline training programs in the dynamic environs of BFSI sector. As independent / freelance consultants passionate about knowledge sharing and contributing back to your profession and industry, you will have rewarding opportunities on assignment basis.

Practicing Managers & Academicians

As Member of LnD Pool, you get more opportunities to expand your horizon. Your knowledge and experience will be shared across organizations / industry level and help to gain even greater professional recognition, credibility, growth and personal branding within your own organization as well as in the industry. Academicians can also enhance consulting opportunities.

As a Member you can increase your mandate from regional and national clients in BFSI sector and educational institutions.

You can leverage your experience and expertise for a rewarding professional growth in the L&D practice

A great platform to expand your peer and client network enhancing credibility

LnD Pool being a digital platform, National and International clients would be interested in cross border knowledge and experiential sharing which will bring you global opportunities

Ready to get started?
